Easy Chicken Roll

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Easy Chicken Roll subsequent to Chicken, arena Beef, Raisins, Egg, Salt, Black Pepper

The ingredient of Easy Chicken Roll

  • 1 mass chicken boneless without skin or 4 chicken breast boneless
  • 1 cup field beef cooked
  • 1 4 cup raisins
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 pinch black pepper

Nutritions of Easy Chicken Roll

@type: nutritioninformation
@type: 580 calories
@type: 6 grams
@type: 335 milligrams
@type: 21 grams
@type: 88 grams
@type: 8 grams
@type: 410 milligrams
@type: 4 grams
@type: 0 5 grams